Particles Simulation
Apologies at the beginning. I did an unqualified mid-term project for The Nature of Code. When I browsed the assignment requirement, I was glad to find that this assignment could be part of the other class's work and didn't have to be p5. So I ended up combining this homework with Connected Devices, without seeing that it had to be related to motion. So my mid-term project was a Javascript project, not a visual thing at all.
New Updates
I created a particle simulation project as the make-up for the mid-term. I included 4 types of line manipulation into one and created a GUI for users to freely control. This link is for you to play with, and here's the p5 code.
The inspiration is from a set of credit card design and I successfully converted into the code.

Credits to dat.gui, randomColor library.
Work before
I created an interactive web for my Connected devices project. Briefly introduce the project - I planed to build a food timer attached on the fridge which stored the remaining fresh time of the food once it opened or was brought. The goal of the food timer was to keep track of food, especially groceries so that people can avoid rotting food. Detailed proposal please see the previous post.

Here's what I achieved so far. The accomplished functions are:
- Add food to the database by choosing category and storing time.
- Keep track of the left time and alert in the "Eat me now " zone.
- Delete eaten food by clicking delete icon.
- Synchronize with arduino side.
Code is hosted on Github and deployed on Glitch.